Zsuzsa Király
1990, Košice ( Slovakia )
'It can be said about graphic artist Zsuzsa Király that her most popular technique is clearly linoleum engraving, and she is starting to discover another technique of Japanese graphic art, woodcut, exactly as a result of her experiences. Those who have known Zsuzsa's work so far will surely notice one thing, and that is nothing else but a change in the form of artistic expression. Her graphics have become clean simplified. Thanks to their sleek representation, her graphics suggest calmness peace and harmony, the way as it is part of Japanese culture"
/Mgr. Fecsó Szilárd/
2014 - 2016: Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia/ Faculty of Fine Arts.
Field of study: free fine arts. Thesis superior: doc. Igor Benca,
akad. Mal. finished with title Mgr. art.
2010 - 2014: Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia/ Faculty of Fine Arts.
Field of study: graphics. Thesis superior: doc. Igor Benca, akad. mal. finished with title Bc.
2006 - 2010: Sándor Márai's highschool in Košice, Slovakia. Art class.
Thesis superior: Mgr. Fecsó Szilárd